Yoga Nidra: The Essence of You
Rev. Peggy Petahtegoose
Are you stressed, unfocused, suffering monkey mind or lack of sleep? Yoga Nidra can help. This practice only requires you to remain physically still. I take care of the rest. We each have 5 koshas, or sheaths, that represent our humanness. During this meditative practice I will guide you through the mental, emotional, physical, energetic, and spiritual koshas. This is a form of Bhakti yoga, devotional yoga. The outcome is stillness, quiet, calm and peacefulness. As we rest in stillness we rekindle our divine spirit, creating that Oneness that we all long for in our daily lives.
Program Objectives and Outcomes: Designed to offer you a guided meditative practice that brings you to a deep restful and restorative space of peace and tranquility.
Who will this program benefit? Anyone who is stressed, unfocused, agitated, or wrestling with monkey mind. Also, those who are lacking restful sleep.
Prerequisites: A quiet place, no disturbances, no distractions. A comfortable place to rest your body for approximately 50 minutes.
Minimum number of participants: 6
Start/End Dates: February 12, 2025/April 2, 2025
Start/End Times: 11:30 AM/12:30 PM
Number of Hours per Session: 1
Number of Classes to be Offered: 8
Frequency: Weekly
Days and Dates: Wednesdays February 12, 19, 26, March 5, 12, 19, 26, April 2
Are participants required to attend all sessions or can they select individual sessions to attend? All sessions are required
Tuition: $100
Location: Zoom
Questions about this class? Email and be sure to include the title of the class in your message and it will be forwarded to the class presenter.
About the Presenter: Rev. Peggy has been offering Yoga Nidra - The Essence of You, since 2012. It is one of my favorite meditative practices to share! She is E-RYT 200 certified and has almost 1000 hours of teaching and 1000 hours of training as a yoga teacher.