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You are Welcome Here

Whoever you are and wherever you are on your spiritual journey,

you are welcome here.

You are welcome to bring your beliefs and traditions, your identity,

your story, and the wisdom of your years.

All of who you are is welcome, all of who you are is sacred.

In our presence may you always seek your truth in freedom,

speak your truth in love and live your truth through service.

And through all your days and nights in our presence

may you experience love.

Our Mission

Through worship, community service, and education,
embracing all faith traditions,
The Tree of Life Interfaith Temple
cultivates understanding
to combat religious divisiveness
and works to breathe Life, Light and Healing
out into our world.

Our Vision

The Tree of Life Interfaith Temple
aspires to be
an inclusive community
where each individual and all faith traditions
are celebrated
as unique expressions of the One Divine Truth.

Our Leadership

Tree of Life Interfaith Temple is run by a volunteer Leadership Council chaired by an elected Presiding Minister. 

Presiding Minister: Rev. Ahjan Grossman
Leadership Council Members:
Rev. Dr. Kathleen Brock
Rev. Linda Goodman
Alexis Eaton
Joe Pollock
Honorary Member: Rev. Dr. Stephanie Rutt

More information

Through experiencing spiritual practices
from a variety of faith traditions,
many of us at Tree of Life Interfaith Temple 
have come to believe in the following statements:

Our History

Tree of Life Interfaith Temple began officially in 2010 as a church to ordain the graduates of our seminary program. However, the seed for the Temple was planted many years earlier by our founder.

To read the full story, click here.

Our Founder

Rev. Dr. Stephanie Rutt is our Founding Minister, the director of the Tree of Life School for Sacred Living, and creator of the Tree of Life Interfaith Seminary. Through the School for Sacred Living she has offered numerous sacred studies courses, classes and workshops locally as well as to national conferences sponsored by World AWAKE (formally The World Alliance of Interfaith Clergy) and the Haden Institute. She has appeared on the TEDx stage and is the author of six books including, most recently, her memoir. All of her work seeks to embody unity within diversity, reveal how the great spiritual truths show up everywhere in daily experience, and to awaken an unchecked ecstatic cry for the One called by many names.

Click here to read more about our founder.

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Click here to read about its development

The Tree of Life Interfaith Temple, Inc., is a non-denominational church, formed as a nonprofit corporation in the State of New Hampshire in September of 2009 and received 501(c)(3) status under the Internal Revenue Code in June of 2010. The three-fold purpose for the formation of the church is to provide a place of worship, to offer educational and experiential programs, and to ordain and oversee interfaith ministers as graduated from The Tree of Life Interfaith Seminary. We are a community of ordinary people forging the extra-ordinary mission to create a place where we may practice truly seeing the Divine within all peoples of all religions.

5 Northern Blvd, Suite 8
Amherst, NH 03031-2330


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