“It is my belief that in the Presence of God there is neither male nor female, |
Prior to written history, humanity has looked to the stars searching and yearning for some greater connection to Creation and the Creator. Since ancient times, mystics and sages have sprung from various cultures and traditions to unearth symbols and words that might express the universality of these sacred experiences and knowing. The mystery springs from the same Source; from Love itself, God, Goddess, Spirit. |
The Tree of Life Interfaith Temple Seminary allows for a safe and inner-exploratory pathway to our sacred connection and union with this Creative Source of Love. As our Temple Founder, Rev. Dr. Stephanie Rutt has written: |
Your only pre-requisite is to step forward with your authentic self, inviting your past, your inherited traditions, your ancestral beliefs, your questions, your angst, your troubles, your Love, and your willingness to glimpse into the timelessness of the Divine. |