The Vision: We Are Called | The Program: | The Logistics: |
We are all called.
Some hear and hesitate. Some hear yet turn away unable to imagine the possibility. Sadly, some never hear. And then, there are the few who hear and answer, “Yes!” This program is for you!
Here you will be invited to join a select group of Lovers, found across faith traditions, who have entered into the portals of religious experience, the Love, in search of their Beloved, to experience moments of mystical unity with their God. On the way, by engaging in practices from across faith traditions, you will discover for yourself, “Many are the ways we pray to one God” for each portal opens us to the same mystery, deeply personal and intimate yet graciously, beyond all understanding.
But, this is not a journey you will take alone or without support. Our program is unique in that you are offered both concrete instruction as well as a personal guide to accompany you from beginning to end. The instruction takes the form of The Path of Crow, a 26-Module core curriculum; additional books from our founder, Rev. Dr. Stephanie Rutt, detailing how to navigate the inner sanctuary and create the conditions for mystical unity with God; and the key part of our program which is one that you and your personal Seminary Guide will design together in response to your specific interests. |
The Tree of Life Interfaith Seminary Program is designed to:
In addition, specifically for those seeking ordination:
There are five components of study within the Seminary Program: Completion of all five components is required to meet the requirements for graduation / ordination. | Curriculum: The Path of the Crow is unique in that it offers both concrete instruction and a personal spiritual guide to accompany you on the path from beginning to end. These 30 modules were written by Rev. Dr. Stephanie Rutt, our founder, and are structured to lead you on a deep, inner journey. As you travel the path, your study and reflections will detail how to navigate your inner sanctuary and create the conditions for mystical unity with God. | Spiritual Practice: Each participant is required to maintain a spiritual practice, preferably daily, but absolutely no less than five days a week. Participants must also keep a daily or weekly journal recording: the practice, when practices are done, and a description of the experience that has personal meaning. Descriptions may include artwork, poetry, or other expressive ways to describe and document the practices. |
Community Service Each participant will identify a way to engage in community service in line with individual interests and lifestyle. Participants are asked to begin conceptualizing just what that service might be and to write a synopsis or description early in the program. At the completion of the Community Service component, participants will write a 4-6 page paper documenting the service and, most importantly, what was observed internally in the act of service. | World Religions Eight papers on the world's major faith traditions are required. Participants conduct their own research and submit a 4-6 page paper that includes the following: basic facts; a summary of the fundamental tenets, sacred texts, major rituals and holidays; the faith tradition's view of God or a Supreme Being; discuss how the faith tradition speaks to you. Where do you resonate? Where are you challenged or, perhaps, disagree?; What might you take from the faith tradition that would most inform your present day experience? | Ministerial Duties Training is provided in each of the following areas: Creating Sacred Space - Worship Services, Rituals and Spiritual Study Circles; Creating and Officiating Weddings; Creating and Overseeing Memorial Services and Grave Site Ceremonies; Creating Baby Naming and Blessing Ceremonies |
TIMELINE New cohorts of the seminary program begin in the fall of the year, typically August or September. Interested individuals are encouraged to contact the Seminary Director by late spring or early summer in order to have plenty of time for the application process. Please use the form at the bottom of this page. Assignments within the program are designed to be completed monthly. With this schedule, the full curriculum will be completed in two years (including a summer break). One monthly meeting with one's seminary guide is required. Other meetings may be offered or required, including with other seminarians, or with other seminarians and their guides. In-person retreats may be offered. These would be once a year and take place in or near Amherst, NH. An ordination / graduation ceremony takes place in June. This takes place in or near Amherst, NH.
The Tuition Fee includes:
Tree of Life Interfaith Seminary Program Tuition: $7000 Additional Expenses: SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION Tree of Life Interfaith Temple is able to offer partial scholarship aid to applicants who demonstrate financial need. Applicants who would like to apply for scholarship aid may request a scholarship aid application after their completed application for the Seminary Program has been received and approved by the Tree of Life Interfaith Temple Leadership Council. Scholarship aid is awarded on an annual basis, but a seminarian may reapply for each year of the program. Scholarship aid is not guaranteed prior to signed agreement. | SEMINARY DIRECTOR Rev. Peggy Petahtegoose is the director of our Interfaith Seminary.